On Monday, December 16, 2024, the Regional Balance and Statistical Analysis Team of BPS Banda Aceh City again held an Evaluation Meeting, this time with the theme of the Evaluation Meeting of the Expenditure Balance and Economic Review from the Expenditure Side of Banda Aceh City in 2024 which was held in the BPS Banda Aceh City Hall.
The meeting was also attended by the Middle Expert Statistician of BPS Banda Aceh City, Mr. Rochadi, SST. Acting as a resource person at this event was the Head of the Regional Balance and Statistical Analysis Team of Banda Aceh City, Retno Aruminggalih, SST.
This event was attended by BPS Banda Aceh City partners who were involved in the Expenditure Balance survey activities, both quarterly and annually. Several BPS Banda Aceh City employees also participated in this activity.
The objective to be achieved is to provide an evaluation of the implementation of the SKLNP, SKPS, SKSIP, SKSPPI and Updating LNPRT Directory surveys that have been carried out during 2024. The results of this evaluation will be used as a reference in implementing the survey in the coming year.
In addition, a review of the quarterly GRDP data for Banda Aceh City which will be released at the end of 2024, along with the accompanying economic and social phenomena, was also presented. It is hoped that employees and partners will actively participate in informing the phenomena that occur in Banda Aceh City as supporting material for data that has been produced from surveys and censuses.
It is hoped that through this activity, BPS Banda Aceh City partners will increasingly have good literacy from the Production Balance survey and the enthusiasm to carry out improvements in the future. Both employees and partners are also expected to understand the urgency of the importance of monitoring seasonal factors from an economic, social, and political perspective, for the sake of quarterly economic data that will be presented in the Quarterly GRDP indicator.