Village Potential Statistics of Banda Aceh Municipality - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banda Aceh Municipality

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Village Potential Statistics of Banda Aceh Municipality

Catalog Number : 1105014.1171
Publication Number : 11710.24028
Publishing Frequency : Ad Hoc
Release Date : December 19, 2024
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 6.04 MB


Statistics of Village Potential of Banda Aceh City 2024 is a series of publications of BPS Banda Aceh City published three times in ten years which presents the results of Village Potential Data Collection (Podes) 2024. This publication contains a description of the administrative areas of government at the village level throughout Indonesia according to the potential of the village, the availability of infrastructure in the village, and also the challenges faced in the village. The data and information presented in this publication are grouped into three parts, namely: Village Potential, Village Vulnerability, and Village Infrastructure. The data and information presented at the national level is an aggregation of provincial-level data. Meanwhile, a similar publication is also made at the provincial level which is an aggregation of district/city-level data.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

BPS Kota Banda Aceh (Statistics of Banda Aceh City)Jl. Laksamana Malahayati KM 6

5 Desa Baet Kab Aceh Besar





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