Banda Aceh City Consumer Price / Inflation Index December 2019 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banda Aceh Municipality

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Banda Aceh City Consumer Price / Inflation Index December 2019

Banda Aceh City Consumer Price / Inflation Index December 2019Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : January 3, 2020
File Size : 1.86 MB


The inflation that occurred in Banda Aceh City was caused
an increase in prices indicated by
an increase in the index in 5 (five) expenditure groups,
namely: foodstuffs group of 1.29
percent; prepared foods, beverages, cigarettes and groups
tobacco by 0.74 percent; transport group,
communication and financial services by 0.42 percent;
housing, water, electricity, gas and materials group
burn of 0.04 percent; and group
education, recreation and sports by 0.02
percent. While the expenditure groups are
index decreased is group
clothing by 0.37 percent. While a group
expenditure that does not experience changes in the index
namely the health group.
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