Recommendations for Statistical Activities at the DLHK2 Office - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banda Aceh Municipality

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Recommendations for Statistical Activities at the DLHK2 Office

Recommendations for Statistical Activities at the DLHK2 Office

December 4, 2024 | Other Activities

The amount of waste in the country that tends to continue to increase every year is a latent problem. It is not only the numbers that continue to increase, but also the way it is handled. Waste that is not handled properly becomes a source of pollution, both on land and in waters such as rivers and seas.

For proper management, both in the form of government policies and work programs, data is needed as input in the circulation of planning stages, monitoring, and evaluation of activities. For this reason, the Banda Aceh City DLHK requested statistical recommendations from the Banda Aceh City BPS as the Sectoral Statistics Supervisor regarding the implementation of the Banda Aceh City Waste Data Collection activity.

Hopefully, the request for statistical recommendations can be followed soon by other Regional Government Organizations that also collect data for the work programs being implemented.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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