2024 Quarterly Micro and Small Industry Survey (VIMK) Training - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banda Aceh Municipality

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2024 Quarterly Micro and Small Industry Survey (VIMK) Training

2024 Quarterly Micro and Small Industry Survey (VIMK) Training

October 7, 2024 | BPS Activities

Assalamu'alaikum, Data Friends ☺️

One of the data collected by BPS is industrial sector statistics used in calculating Indonesia's GDP and Provincial GRDP. VIMK24 Quarterly is a survey that aims to obtain a production growth index for micro and small scale businesses/companies according to the 2-digit Standard Classification of Indonesian Business Fields (KBLI) at national and provincial levels.

On Monday, October 7 2024, 5 field officers (PML and PCL) had the opportunity to take part in the Quarterly VIMK24 training with lecturers Zia Ul Fajri and Muhammad Iqbal Iradah.

The training activity was opened by the Head of BPS Banda Aceh City, Mr.Tedi Herdiawan S.Sos, M.A.P. In his speech, he asked officers to seriously participate in training so they can understand the concepts, definitions, methodology and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) used. The officer training activity lasted one full day in the Banda Aceh City BPS hall and was closed by the Head of the Banda Aceh City BPS General Subdivision, T. Syamsul Alam SE, M.M.

Every BPS officer always receives training before carrying out census/survey data collection tasks. BPS officers are also provided with assignment letters, identification cards, and letters of introduction to census/survey activities.

The officer training carried out by BPS before carrying out survey data collection activities generally aims to provide officers with an understanding of the concepts and methodology of carrying out censuses/surveys to obtain certain qualities so that data accuracy can be accounted for. Quality assurance is also implemented by BPS at every stage of data collection activities so that the resulting data is valid, accurate and reliable.

#VIMK2 quarterly
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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